Simulated Conditional Formatting part 2

Thanks again to Srinivas Dandamudi for posting the previous example on Simulating Conditional Formatting! 🙂

It works great as a brute force method, however we would need to have a total of 3 objects per cell (100 cells = 300 objects). In addition, we would have to replicate the the behaviour of each cell and carefully place them which would take a long time even for 10 cells.

Instead of using a seperate rectangle for each cell, we can use a grid and enable alerts on the grid. To simulate the table selector, you can just overlay a spreadsheet table object on top of the grid. The key here is to choose an empty display area for the table so that we don’t have overlapping text.

Here are the steps to accomplish the trick

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Customize your Xcelsius dashboard with Export2Excel solution from ClearPeaks

In this post Luca Spinelli and Ivan Aguilar from ClearPeaks indroduce us to the new export to Excel solution for Xcelsius using the Apache Tomcat (jsp) server.

If you have been searching for an export to Excel solution for Xcelsius using the Apache Tomcat (jsp) server, look no further.

ClearPeaks has developed a customized solution that any BI Developer can quickly and easily add to an Xcelsius dashboard. Export2Excel* will allow your end users to filter results by selecting part of their dashboard using the XML connection of Xcelsius. Essentially, this customized option adds flexibility to an Xcelsius dashboard for those users who want to look at data outside of the predefined dashboard components.

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Webinar Update


The gurus at are gearing up for a 2 part Webinar series on Xcelsius Data Connectivity. Part 1 will cover the BO Enterprise connectivity and Part 2 the Non BO piece. Two of the best in Xcelsius, Ryan Goodman and Mico Yuk are going to present the Webinar. Part 1 was conducted today and it was extremely helpful. Especially if you are a BO Enterprise shop and searching for a best way to develop and deploy Live Dashboards using Xcelsius, Live Office and QaaWS (Query as a Web Service).

Excerpt from today’s Webinar:

Mico Started off with a brief intro and Ryan explained the Live Office connectivity option. Later Mico continued with the QaaWS data connection. Both the walk throughs had DOs and DONTs which were valuable Nuggets for anyone with a BOE shop. Mico also demonstrated the new 3.1 QaaWS interface and highlighted the differences between 3.1 and R2 versions of the tool.

If you are not a BOE shop and would like to know other data connectivity options available in Xcelsius for External Data Sources, then you don’t want to miss Part 2 of the series. Click here for more information.

Click Here for a recorded version of Part 1.

Click here to register for Part 2

Using the command-line version of the Add-On Manager in Xcelsius 2008

There are 2 ways to install/uninstall the Add-On components in Xcelsius 2008. The first one and the most common is the GUI version, which you can access from the file menu within Xcelsius. The other method is to use the command-line version (Make sure Xcelsius 2008 is closed while installing Add-On components using Command Line version). Below are the instructions:

  1. Open the command prompt and go to the directory where Xcelsius 2008 Component SDK SP1 is installed. For example: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\SDK
  2. For usage, type AddOnMgr_CL and press Enter

To list all installed packages:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -l
To install a package:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -i XLX_PATH
To install all packages in a directory:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -i -dir XLX_DIR_PATH
To remove a package:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -r XLX_GUID
To remove all installed packages:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -r -all
Note: Paths need to be in quotes, if they contain spaces

Choose the appropriate option to install/uninstall the add-on components.

Xcelsius to replace the existing BEx Web Application Designer (BEx WAD) & Dashboard Builder

With the recent acquisition of Business Objects by SAP, the company is aligning its BI Roadmap with some of the impressive Business Objects products. The ability to access and display data from SAP BI 7.0 in a Rich User Interface (RUI) is available with the acquired Business Objects tools. SAP announced that several tools are available with a Premium Package for SAP BI 7.0. The Premium Package includes:

Crystal Reports — Formatted Reporting
Web Intelligence — Web Based Adhoc Reporting
Voyager — Interactive OLAP Analysis
Xcelsius — Data Visualization and Dashboarding

Xcelsius to replace BEx WAD

Xcelsius will ultimately replace the existing BEx Web Application Designer (BEx WAD) by 2016. Future versions of Xcelsius (code named Xcelsius+) will become the flagship product for Data Visualization and Dashboarding. An important comment from SAP is that the BEx WAD will no longer be enhanced beyond Release NW 7.0 EhP1 in 2008.