I recently spent many hours working on an Xcelsius dashboard that became increasingly frustrating because of loading issues. The dashboard contained 100+ components but the data in the Excel portion of the document was not complex and the row count was small. What could be causing this issue? My deadline was approaching and I needed to do whatever work necessary to buy valuable seconds. Where should I look to find the greatest time saving improvements?
From my experience, if a dashboard doesn’t load within 5 seconds, users become frustrated. There are however exceptions to this rule. There are certain situationsĂ‚Â whenĂ‚Â a 15 or even 30 second load timesĂ‚Â are acceptable. These situations are generally at clients with very complex data and a large number of calculations in the dashboard. These types of dashboards may takeĂ‚Â 15-30 seconds to load but they alsoĂ‚Â deliver valuable and extensive information. But no-matter who the audience, every step must be taken to improve performance and create the “Best possible user experience”. Continue reading →