Exclusive: Creating a Multi Select Combo-Box using Xcelsius SDK

One of the most frequently-requested features in Xcelsius is the ability to select multiple items from a standard control, such as the Xcelsius Combo Box. This is currently not possible out of the box in Xcelsius 2008, though by applying the SDK and creating a custom Flex component, we can quickly fill in this basic gap.

Multi Select Combo Box in Xcelsius

This is the first post in a short series, focused on extending combo box functionality in Xcelsius. If you are new to the SDK, this is a functional and basic example that can serve as a primer to get you going on the SDK. The component itself is certainly nothing revolutionary, though it does illustrate how the SDK can be applied to fill in feature gaps in a relatively short amount of time.
You can find all of the source code and Xcelsius files here. The zip file includes all Flex source code, the Xcelsius Packager, the Xcelsius add-on installer, as well as a test Xcelsius Model.

This version of the component enables you to:

  1. Change its color
  2. Bind to a range of cells for the source data
  3. Bind to a range of cells to capture the items selected from the combo box

To use the multiple-select functionality, simply hold down the CTRL key while you select items.
If you any have special feature(s) you’d like to see in this control, please post a comment and they will be considered for the next release.

Download Source Files

Evan DeLodder is an Xcelsius SDK Guru on the popular website Everything Xcelsius, an SAP author and a frequent contributor to the growing Xcelsius development community. You can learn more about him on the SAP website or on EverythingXcelsius.com.