A “Reset Button” alternative. A simple trick to simulate context based resetting in SAP Dashboards.
Multi-Colored Column Charts
When looking at dashboards produced by other data visualization tools, we often see multi-colored column charts. While this technique can be reproduced in SAP Dashboards, it doesn’t always make sense to do. Below are a couple examples of the effect, and you can see how the second instance is far more appropriate.
Ranking in SAP Dashboards
Learn how to create ranking in Excel with supported formulas in SAP Dashboards!
Floating tool-tip using SAP Dashboards SP05
Here is a simple trick on how to create a floating tool tip in SAP Dashboards (Xcelsius) SP05 using Label component.
Twitter local trends using Xcelsius
Check what’s trending in your location using the Twitter Local Trends tool built using Xcelsius.