Using the command-line version of the Add-On Manager in Xcelsius 2008

There are 2 ways to install/uninstall the Add-On components in Xcelsius 2008. The first one and the most common is the GUI version, which you can access from the file menu within Xcelsius. The other method is to use the command-line version (Make sure Xcelsius 2008 is closed while installing Add-On components using Command Line version). Below are the instructions:

  1. Open the command prompt and go to the directory where Xcelsius 2008 Component SDK SP1 is installed. For example: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\SDK
  2. For usage, type AddOnMgr_CL and press Enter

To list all installed packages:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -l
To install a package:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -i XLX_PATH
To install all packages in a directory:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -i -dir XLX_DIR_PATH
To remove a package:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -r XLX_GUID
To remove all installed packages:
>> AddOnMgr_CL -r -all
Note: Paths need to be in quotes, if they contain spaces

Choose the appropriate option to install/uninstall the add-on components.