Webinar Update

The gurus at are gearing up for a 2 part Webinar series on Xcelsius Data Connectivity. Part 1 will cover the BO Enterprise connectivity and Part 2 the Non BO piece. Two of the best in Xcelsius, Ryan Goodman and Mico Yuk are going to present the Webinar. Part 1 was conducted today and […]

Use ‘Query as a Web Service’ and BOE XI 3.x to produce Live Xcelsius Visualizations

‘Query as a Web Service’ (QaaWS) is a client tool that was first made available with BusinessObjects XI R2. Now with XI 3.0 and 3.1, it is quickly becoming a commonly used client tool because of its ability to interface with Xcelsius 2008 and convert your static presentations into dynamic and live visualizations. The following […]