Barack Obama’s journey of Life on Google Maps

What a night it was for America. Barack Obama is the President Elect. Coincidentally I was in Chicago Downtown on the night of the results. Although I had no tickets to attend the Winning speech from Obama, I can listen to the roar of the crowd coming out of Grant Park. The downtown was lit up with USA on all the Buildings. It was a spectacular sight to watch. Barack Obama has come a long way in his Journey to the White House. Here is a google maps version of the same.

The data is coming from MIBAZAAR ( Thanks to Virender Ajmani for creating such a wonderful Gadget.

Click on Autoplay or the Left Right arrows to navigate.

Interactive Map Dashboards: Where do I Vote?

As the Day Progresses, the heartbeat of millions of Americans is going up. Everyone is keeping their fingers crossed about who is going to be the Next American President. Millions already voted and some are waiting in lines as I write this post. According to CNN 5% of American’s are still Undecided until November 3rd. If you are among those who is unable to find a place to vote or you are thinking “OK, I’ve decided now and I want to Vote, But where do I go?” Don’t worry, MSN and Google have interactive maps to find your voting location and more.

MSN Your Vote 2008: Map Room – Polling Place Info:

Click on a State and select your County.

Google Maps 2008 US Voter Info:

Find your voting location and more. Enter the home address where you are registered to vote.

Live Dashboards: Real Time Election Results and Poll Closing times

Today is the day. McCain and Obama are fighting for votes across the country. Prediction is that Voters are going to storm the Polling booths. I hope everything goes well and a deserving candidate emerges as a winner. Since many of you like me want to be up to the minute with the election results, I’ve consolidated some great looking Dashboards and Widgets which will give you information about Results in real time and also the Poll closing times in different states. Keep visiting back, I will updating this as in I find an interesting widget or a dashboard. Click on the Images for the Interactive versions.

CBS News Election Results:

The New York Times Election Results Tracker:

CNN Live Results:

CNN Last poll closing times:

Google Election Results Tracker: It’s Interactive

Election 2008 Primary Results Tracker: Live Dashboard using Google Maps

Google always surprised me with its Gadgets. Here is a new one which catches my attention. I call it Google Live Dashboard to keep a track of Election 2008 Primaries.

Keep up-to-date on the 2008 election with Google Maps

Use the Primary Results Map to view outcomes of each state primary. See results down to the county level by zooming in on a particular state.

Xcelsius 2008 SP1 Hot Fix is here!

The much awaited Xcelsius 2008 SP1 Hot Fix is here. Since the release of Xcelsius 2008 and later SP1, a lot of users and developers complained about the unstable application and its behavior when using a combination of components. Here are some of the known issues in Xcelsius 2008 before SP1 was released:

Navigation Tip: Click on the Bars to drill down into specific areas.

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