Test Drive: XYahooMap Component

Whether you already bought  Xcelsius 2008 or planning to buy one and not happy with the out of box components, then getting your desired Custom Components developed using Xcelsius and FLEX SDKs is the best option. Starting Xcelsius 2008, Business Objects is offering SDK for customer’s flexibility to design their own components. Although many users are happy with the out of box components repository, the awareness of the SDK is luring the customers to get them developed by in house flex developers or 3rd party companies like Centigon Solutions. I was recently browing the Business Objects Market Place and then was redirected to a blog, where Donald MacCormick posted some of his free Xcelsius components. One among them which caught my attention was the XYahooMap Component.

Donald says:

“The XYahoomap component is a simple extension to the Yahoo Maps Flash control (available here), which provides full map drag, zoom and differing views (map, satelite, etc) of a normal Yahoo Map but now it can be part of an Xcelsius model ”

I was curious and took it for a Test Drive.

Note: You need your own Yahoo App ID. Get one here.

Used a similar example as that of Donald’s, however used more data and Zoom Levels to show the full power of the component. Download the Source files below. Leave a comment if you have any questions.

It’s Interactive:
