Happy New Year!!!

I know, I know. I’ve been very lazy off late and it’s been a while I posted something meaningful. I do have some excuses though. There has been a lot of activity in both my personal and professional lives. As some of you know I’ve joined the mother ship (SAP) which kept me busy for most of the time and from the picture, you all must have figured by now who kept me busy the remaining time. By the way, he is still keeping me busy. We named him Arjun and he is big trouble.

Anyways, enough of the lame excuses. Why did I decide to write again? A few of my sane friends pumped some blogging sense into me to re-crank the blog up and start writing again and over the past year, I worked on a variety of interesting projects using SAP Dashboards and other interesting tools. I’ve gathered great deal of content during this time and in the subsequent posts, I would like to share all those experiences and tips & tricks with you.

There has been a lot of changes on the product life cycle and the future road map of Xcelsius (now known as SAP Dashboards). I will be covering all that stuff in the upcoming posts. So stay tuned and if possible subscribe via Email so that you don’t miss out on the exciting stuff that is coming up.