This issue is from a thread on Many windows xp users are encountering this issue while trying to launch the application without administrator access. Although Xcelsius was installed by an administrator, users without administrator access are prompted to enter the keycode when trying to launch the application. They get the following message:
Your Xcelsius keycode is missing or expired. Please enter your Xcelsius keycode:
After entering the keycode, users get the following error:
The keycode you entered in not valid. Please try again.
This error is caused because the user who is trying to launch the application has no permission to write to the registry.
Interestingly the person who posted this question posted the answer too. Below are the 2 solutions that he had found to fix this issue.
Fix 1:
After installing the software, run Xcelsius once under the administrative user who installed the software. This user will be prompted to enter the keycode and has permissions to write the keycode to the registry. Non-administrators can read the registry key and run Xcelsius.
Fix 2:
- Logon to the machine with administrator rights.
- Run regedit and go to the key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE–> SOFTWARE –> Business Objects –> Suite 12.0
- Right click on Suite 12.0 and choose Permissions.
- Grant Full Control to the Users group for this key.
Non-administrators can now write to the key and enter the keycode themselves.
Click here for the actual thread from