Faroe, Laos, Liechtenstein (I can’t even pronounce this one) . Don’t get confused, these are some of the names of the countries i came across when i started writing about “Xcelsius 2008 map component”. I’ve never heard them before. One of the major additions to Xcelsius 2008 is the expansion of Map component in terms […]
Xcelsius 2008
Refresh, Open, and Pass variables to Web Intelligence from Xcelsius
In this post – Jim Brogden, a BI Consultant from Daugherty Business Solutions explains how to Refresh, Open and Pass variables to Web Intelligence from Xcelsius in a BusinessObjects 3.x environment. The “OpenDocument” syntax has changed in XI 3.0 and 3.1 for linking to BOE report objects. The architecture in XI R2 had previously required […]
Which Xcelsius 2008 should you buy? Pricing and Licensing at a Glance.
There is a lot of confusion on discussion boards and forums regarding Xcelsius Pricing and Licensing. Which edition is good for me? Will I be overspending or underspending? Will a particular Xcelsius edition solve my problem? If you have questions like these, then this article can help you answer some of them. This information brouchure […]
“Server is Busy” or “Protected” error in Xcelsius
Although not that frequent with Xeclsius 2008, this error is still bothering some Xcelsius 4.5 users. Excel Add-Ins might be a possible cause for this issue. Add-In files might launch multiple instances of Excel which might be conflicting with Xcelsius. Before deleting the Add-In XLA files or fiddling with the registry, I would recommend you […]