Thanks Srinivas and David for posting some alternatives on Conditional formatting. Sounds like good options. Here is a quick trick that can help you in situations where you don’t have dynamic targets which keep changing frequently. For example, if you have a measure that you want to show the RAG (Red, Amber and Green) status […]
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Simulated Conditional Formatting part 2
Thanks again to Srinivas Dandamudi for posting the previous example on Simulating Conditional Formatting! 🙂 It works great as a brute force method, however we would need to have a total of 3 objects per cell (100 cells = 300 objects). In addition, we would have to replicate the the behaviour of each cell and […]
Export2Excel Plugin for Xcelsius 2008
Webinar Update
The gurus at are gearing up for a 2 part Webinar series on Xcelsius Data Connectivity. Part 1 will cover the BO Enterprise connectivity and Part 2 the Non BO piece. Two of the best in Xcelsius, Ryan Goodman and Mico Yuk are going to present the Webinar. Part 1 was conducted today and […]
Working with Excel 2007 (xlsx) files on an Excel 2003 Machine
In order to work with Excel 2007 (xlsx) files on an Excel 2003 installed machine, you need to have the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Office 2007 installed on your machine. Click on the Download button at the end of this post to get the file. Note: If you try to open any Excel 2007 […]