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Date – Tuesday October 20th, 2009 |
Time – 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. |
How – Invitation Only |
Where – Manchester Room, Hilton Anatole |
Goal – Network and learn more about what Xcelsius can do for you! |
SAP Invites You to Meet the Xcelsius Gurus and Xcelsius Community at the Global BusinessObjects Network Conference in Dallas.
We invite you to see the Xcelsius Community come to life on Tuesday October 20th 2009.
Come join us for an invitation-only special event filled with food, drinks, invaluable prizes from the Xcelsius Gurus and lots of cheer. Get insight into exciting news about the product and events taking place for Xcelsius in 2010.
On display will be a number of dashboards built both by the Gurus and members of the community. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to network with not only the Xcelsius Gurus but also the SAP Xcelsius team members who are dedicated to the success and innovation of Xcelsius. Users can connect and share their experiences using the product.
The event will feature the following well known SAP Team Members and Xcelsius Gurus:
- Emily Mui (Host) – SAP Enterprise Marketing Manager
- Saskia Battersby (Host) – Xcelsius Product Manager
- Takin Babaei (Host) – SAP Product Marketing Manager
- Mico Yuk (Host) – Founder, Xcelsius Gurus Network &
- Ryan Goodman (Host) – Founder, Centigon Solutions &
- Michael Alexander – Founder, Datapig Technologies / Author, Crystal Xcelsius for Dummies
- Loren Abdulezer – Founder, Evolving Technologies Corporation & / Author, Xcelsius 2008 Dashboard Best Practices
- Paul Grill – Founder,
- Steve Bettey – Senior Product Specialist, Antivia
- Donald MacCormick – Strategic Advisor to Antivia and author of the XComponents blog
- Rick Montgomery – Co Founder,
- Many more...
Please RSVP by sending an email with 'RSVP' in the subject line to by October 16th.
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you at this exciting event!
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